
Showing posts from June 27, 2008

We Have Lots of Books

I just got back from the mall/movies. I opened the bag from H&M (I am a stylish dresser, what can I say?) and took out three shirts and a pair of pants. I proceeded to remove the tags and discard them in the trash. Shirt number two did not survive the tag pulling. Instead of the little pop that you hear when that little plastic thingy breaks, I heard a rrrrrripppp that reminded me of the Hulk busting through his clothes. I hope to be able to return the shirt... Anyway, the ripping of the shirt was the perfecting ending to a horrid day, which began with Stephanie finding out that she didn't get a job that she should have gotten. Which is why we went to the mall and the movies -- to get our minds off of it (I told some friends that Stephanie and I needed some time to reassess things and decide if life is worth it enough to continue or just throw in the towel all together -- jokingly, of course). We saw Get Smart , which -- seriously -- turned out to be an incredibly funny movie ...