Late Night Ramblings of an Insane Insomniac
I'm awake. It's going on midnight. This might not seem very late to some, but to me it's late. I'm typically an early-to-bed/late-to-rise type of guy. Especially when it's a Monday. I decided to give up on trying to talk myself into sleep and logged on the interweb in search of... something... nothing... I forget. I eventually ended up here. I adopted a kitten. Her name is Oreo because she is black and white. She is full of energy and loud "meows." She crawls up things (pant legs, chair legs, stool legs, curtains, walls) and runs from you to the wall to the cat toy back to you to the cat toy to the chair to the wall to the curtain to you to nothing in particular. Repeat multiple times. I have tried to pick her up and settle her down, but have failed. She fights when she gets picked up. I was shown earlier today by a cat enthusiest how to pick her up and prevent her from squirming away. This method has worked for me a little bit since I learned it. I feed t...