
Showing posts from December 15, 2007


I recently purchased a pocket notebook and a very small pen -- which, incidentally, cost about four times as much as a regular pen -- so that I can write lyrics, thoughts, etc, when such things come to me without having to wait until I can get to a computer or non-pocket notebook. I have been carrying it around with me for a while now and have started to use it more routinely. I'm actually (and finally) writing a song. Here follows some other things I wrote about: 12/12 Went to Jitters Cafe open mic. Played "Road to Nowhere" and messed up the lyrics, "Endless," and "Christmas Time" by Bryan Adams. Phil Drum was given a birthday cake complete with candle; age jokes ensued. Found out from a reliable source that Phil spends "all his free time" on myspace and youtube. Rainman played Christmas songs. Lisa K. covered "When the Stars go Blue" by Ryan Adams. 12/13 Drove home during a snow storm. A plow passed over a bridge as I passed under...