I have been giving more thought to the portable toilet (the picture of which is posted in the entry below this one) up on the scaffolding -- perhaps I have a lot of time on my hands... Anyway, how did they get it up there? And -- more importantly -- how the heck are they going to get it down? It's quite obviously heavier than it was when it went up. Not to mention, it's contents need to be handled with extreme caution -- you certainly don't want to have that spill happen on your watch. Well, Christmas is coming early for me (as is my birthday, which happens to be the same day). I am getting a sweetly souped up laptop. Stephanie is getting it for me and getting some extra help from my dad. I did some searching (to figure out exactly what I wanted) and found that Dell had an extremely sweet discount going on, so I built an XPS laptop with the features I wanted and we ordered it two days ago. It's due to ship in a few weeks. I can't wait to get it -- my current comput...