
Showing posts from February 28, 2009

Stuff and Whatnot With a Side of Venting

This has been a rather taxing week. I have been going to Albany each day for training for my job, which adds about 45 minutes to my commute. Thus, I have been having to get up an entire hour earlier, which after a week takes it toll. Of course, I stayed up late for open mic on Thursday, which made Friday seem even longer. And, since I had been at training all week and returned to my actual job in the afternoon, I had a whole load of work that had piled up and included a few important phone calls that I needed to make ASAP. Which was stressful. Friday night was another late night with Rock Band, which was a great way to release the stress of the week, but lead to me being incredibly tired and quite cranky today. So cranky, in fact, that I'm going to vent a little and probably wish in a few days -- once I'm no longer cranky from lack of sleep -- that I hadn't written what I'm going to write. Inside the Open Mic is the first topic of my vent. I posted an episode on YouTub...