Yesterday, I came home from work to find this: (if you require a better description: it is a pile of leaves -- at least three feet high with about a five foot diameter -- in front of my drive way... which meant I parked in the street, got a shovel and a metal rake, spent about an hour shoveling/raking/pushing/pulling leaves to the side, and THEN pulled in my driveway.) I have no idea why the leaves were there. They weren't blown there or accidentally moved there by an unsuspecting driver. They were pushed there on purpose. I called the city and they said that there was no leaf pick up going on in my area. So, it wasn't their fault. The police wondered why I wanted to report it. Figures. I'm baffled. And my back hurts. And whoever did it deserves... well, I'll let you pick their fate. ------- After shoveling/raking/pushing/pulling, I rested for a bit, changed and went to Lena's. It was a wonderful night at open mic. I had a nice conversation with Kyle Carey about how...