Halloween. Subract Horror. Add Whore-er. Repeat.
Why do we dress up on Halloween? I know why I dress up. Because it's cool to hide yourself and be someone else for a period of time. The more covered up my face is the better. But, seriously, why this tradition? A quick google search gave me this result on the origin of Halloween: This Halloween (or All Hallows' Eve, in its proper name) the streets will fill with children looking for sugar highs, parents dreading dentist bills, teens looking for mischief and the party crowd celebrating at any excuse. But that's not how it started. Halloween is the modern incarnation of the Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween, because Celtic spellings and pronunciations are worlds apart), which was first celebrated about 1000 B.C. Most Celtic European cultures had some sort of commemoration of Samhain on Nov. 1, the Celtic new year. Activities began on Oct. 31, the last day of the old year, the day of the last harvests before frost set in. It was the day that farmers would decide...