Last night at Lena's open mic, the list was short. Which meant: it was a very rare three song night! Wowweee. Whenever the list is short enough and the host (who was Gary Moon this past week) makes a judgement call, performers get to play three songs instead of two. However, this rare phenomena can garner strange results. For example, some people see fifteen minutes as a huge amount of time. I can understand, when I get up there on a three song night, I feel like it's more of my own show. I can say more in between songs (because there are more songs so there is also more in between songs). Some people, then, tell their life stories and the host can sometimes feel that he made a bad judgement call. Still, last night went fairly well, and most people stuck to their fifteen minutes. I snapped a few camera phone pics of Bob Redman, Phil Drum, and Dave Scheffel -- who went on before me, which meant I had to play after a band, which can suck when you are a solo person. Let's face...