Hail Storm

We had a crazy hail storm here the other day. I took some video of it and edited it down to less than two minutes.

It was pretty crazy and a little scary--as can be discerned by Stephanie's statement in the video.

Here is a picture of a "golf ball sized" piece of hail. It's kind of amazing how hard these things actually are.

A careful inspection of the photo will also reveal some of what we occassionally eat here in the James Frederick residence.


Last night I attended the Fulton Book Company open mic and stayed for the featured performer, who was no other than my neighbor Bill Ackerbauer. He does an old-time folk, blues, country style. Some of the songs he played were from songwriters whose names I hear often at Lena's--Mississippi John Hurt, for example; all, really rootsy stuff. And played quite well.

I played "Endless," "Walking; Standing Still," and "Sink or Swim." Bill gave me English teacher points for using the key vocabulary word, "pervade," in "Sink or Swim." As a matter of fact, I had written that song a few months after student teaching, in which "pervade" was one of the vocabulary words that my 10th graders had learned.


On one final note, I revamped the journal--or blog, if you wish. I intend to blog more often and to be more concise in my entries, so as not to bore readers with long winded, over descriptive accounts of minor occurrances in my life. I'm also planning on adding more interesting "stuff" to the entries. For example, other websites of interest, videos, and pictures. Much like today's entry.