
Last night was the MochaBlend Cafe show in Troy. Overall, things went pretty well. I had a great crowd that included a bunch of friends and some casual listeners--pretty much all of whom gave me nice compliments on their ways out.

MochaBlend is a great cafe. The seats are incredibly comfortable and plentiful. It's a small place, as most cafes are, but it doesn't feel crowded. The performance space works quite well; I was able to play to everyone.

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling too great while I played. Earlier, I had hurt my neck. I'm not even sure how it happened, but I pulled a muscle pretty badly. Badly enough that I went to the chiropractor for help. Still, during my set, I was in pain.

I played two sets with no set list. The first set was a little iffy, as I was trying to save my best songs for when more friends came. My second set started out pretty good. I played some of my more upbeat songs at first, then I tried to slow things back down. For some reason, I coudln't get the feel for the slow ones. I did do an excellent job on "Time of Need" by Ryan Adams, however. I also received a nice compliment about "House of the Rising Sun."

I put some initial photos up on my photos page, so I won't post any here.

After the show, my friends and I went to Fresnos. I'll talk about that next time. We had a blast!

I should also have some more pictures up and maybe some video, as my friend Bill took some of each with his camera.