Original Music Sucks

I am the part-time, unofficial, sometimes unavailable, always unpaid sound man for a blue grass cover band called Durrey (Durey? Durry?) Creek. The banjo player is Stephanie's dad, so I some times play with his band and occasionally help them out with their sound at various gigs. Last night, they played at a library in Gloversville.

It was a free show, and the library was packed to beyond capacity. The auditorium upstairs that fit 90 people comfortably was unused because there is no elevator in the library and some of the attendees could not walk up the stairs. This was unfortunate because they packed the crowd of 75+ into a small side room downstairs.

Because the room was smaller, they decided not to plug in leaving me with nothing to do.

Still, it was great to see the band attract such a decently sized crowd.

I ended up standing outside of the room in which they played, because there was no room for me. In fact, as more people came and needed a place to stand, I continually inched back further and further. I don't really like being in close crowds.

I met the promoters of musical events at the library and spoke with them about music and performers that I know who will be a good fit for such events. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. As, I listened to the show (I really couldn't see where I was) I noticed that people came to hear songs that were familiar. I was instantly reminded of the Bright Eyes video for the song "Four Winds." In the video, Bright Eyes is playing a show at a county fair venue when everyone starts throwing stuff at them and yelling "you suck!" and other things. It is quite funny. I was picturing myself doing a show at the library and getting pelted with stuff when I play my depressing, pessimistic songs. I laughed.

Something else that I laughed at: (note the titles of books that were locked up -- wouldn't want anyone reading about Wicca or homosexuality without asking permission first)

(click on the pictures to make them bigger if you want to see more of the locked up titles)


I also met an interesting woman at the concert who sat down next to me well before the room became packed and introduced herself. Her name was Terran (or Teran, or Terren, or...) and she had just recently moved to Gloversville. I can't remember where she moved from, but she named about seven or so states in which she had at one time or another lived. I always find it interesting to hear stories like Terran's (or Teran's, or...). Though, it makes me feel like I live a totally boring life. I never rode in a boxcar, or back packed across the country. I have never seen the west coast or journeyed over seas. I'm not entirely certain that Terran had done any of those things, but when you've lived in as many places as she has... I asked her why she moved around so much, in which she replied, "I guess I was just running away from myself."