
Showing posts from December, 2007


Christmas party last night at my place. We stayed up late. Had a great time. I've taken two naps today so far. One game that we played (and had played 5 or so times the night before) is called Apples to Apples . I recommend it. It's a great English teacher game in which the two most important parts of it are nouns and adjectives. I won't get into too much detail (as I feel a third nap coming on), but you must all beware of colorful ninjas... and play Apples to Apples .


It's 6:45am as I start to type this (no doubt, I'll finish much later as I certainly tend to ramble... and proof read). It's Saturday and it's still dark out. For some reason the combination of being awake on a Saturday morning while it's dark out is incomprehensible. I set my alarm last night for 9:00... So, I went to Lena's on Thursday, as usual. I sucked. For some reason my legs were wobbly and I couldn't get myself to stop thinking about it. My voice wasn't quite where it should be either. I played Christmas Time by Bryan Adams and Passenger . Some pictures were taken, but I haven't taken them off of the phones that they were taken with, so... I'll just talk about it and post the pictures later. Besides sucking, the night was pretty melancholy-ish. I don't know why. Maybe it was the stillness of winter. Maybe it was the fact that I decided to wear a Santa hat, which I regretted as I felt very silly. I got heckled on stage. There were mar...


I recently purchased a pocket notebook and a very small pen -- which, incidentally, cost about four times as much as a regular pen -- so that I can write lyrics, thoughts, etc, when such things come to me without having to wait until I can get to a computer or non-pocket notebook. I have been carrying it around with me for a while now and have started to use it more routinely. I'm actually (and finally) writing a song. Here follows some other things I wrote about: 12/12 Went to Jitters Cafe open mic. Played "Road to Nowhere" and messed up the lyrics, "Endless," and "Christmas Time" by Bryan Adams. Phil Drum was given a birthday cake complete with candle; age jokes ensued. Found out from a reliable source that Phil spends "all his free time" on myspace and youtube. Rainman played Christmas songs. Lisa K. covered "When the Stars go Blue" by Ryan Adams. 12/13 Drove home during a snow storm. A plow passed over a bridge as I passed under...

Knowing is Half the Battle

I haven't taken any interesting pictures lately, so I haven't had anything to post. I have also been quite sick (sinus infection) and had to miss the open mic this past week. I did, however, attend Victoria Bouffard's show at Fulton Books on Friday. She played quite well and did most of my favorites of her originals. She also did the one (cover) about watching cartoons and having a better view of the moon if your house burns down. Can't remember the name of it, or who it is by though. Fulton Books is an interesting place to see shows. The lights are off and the stage is lit up, which is cool, and people listen. But, it is eerily quiet. It must be all of the books on the shelves or something, but there is no depth to the sound. Even the sound coming from the amplified PA is sucked from the room. It's like playing in a vacuum... which -- oddly -- isn't exactly bad... it's just different. I'm sure some musicians/bands sound better in such an environment, wh...