Deathly Hollows

I finished reading the last book in the Harry Potter series today. Wow. What a long strange journey it's been. I started reading in August and have been immersed in it ever since. Somewhere in the midst of book 4 or 5 I was beginning to wish that I hadn't decided to read the entire series straight through. But, because I had started, I couldn't finish. Now that I finished, I feel like I need to take some time to take it all in. I mean, I didn't stop in between books to discuss or relax or read something else. When I finished book six at eleven o'clock one night, I instantly went to the book shelf and exchanged it for book seven. And I started reading. Now I'm overwhelmed. I have seven books worth of adventures and things going through my head. I'm sad because a lot of good characters died (unnecessarily, at times). I'm also sad because it's all over (book separation anxiety -- if it's not a real term, then I totally invented it, because it is totally something that happens). But, I'm also quite glad that it's finished. I really liked a lot of the series. It was quite wonderful. However, there were some things that I didn't like -- some things that defied literary conventions -- and, as such, caused me to feel disconnected with the story telling, at times. Overall, however, the series was great and I'm mostly glad that I read it all the way through. I just need to take some time to digest it and get over the separation anxiety.

I also have to decide what to read next. I received Children of Hurin by Tolkien last year and have promised to read that next. However, a friend more recently lent me his copy of I am Legend, of which the movie is quite loosely based. I should read that next... so I can give him his book back, but then there is also the next book in the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series... decisions, decisions...


Thursday was a Lena's night. I played Frozen my new one, which I did not mess up this time, and Passenger.

The list:

Kate, who hosted, and Ray dancing and singing:

Ben and Mike from Pickers and Grinners:

Eric H. playing Landslide:

Watching the aforementioned Eric H.: