The Heart of the Matter
A co-worker of mine suggested to me recently that I look into playing at a coffee shop/cafe that she had visited. She didn't know the name, but she knew the street it was on. I googled around and found out that she was referring to Samuel's Cafe. Which is really funny because I had actually sent their myspace page a friend request. Having never been to Samuel's, I didn't ask for a gig straight away. I like to start out as friends and build the relationship from there. But, hearing a good review of the place from my co-worker prompted me to ask. So, I'm excited to report that I am getting booked for one of two open dates in June. I'll post it on the dates page of my site and the myspace page as soon as I know which day I'm booked for.
Last night I attended Lena's. I received an email earlier in the day from a still-sick Kate Blain, who was set to host, asking me or Willie to take over for her (she didn't want to cough a lot into the mic). Thus, I hosted. Which was cool. It was more cool than any previous times, I think, because I knew in advance that I'd be hosting. Most times, I've discovered that I would be hosting about five minutes before I had to start doing so. At any rate, I had a lot fun and I felt comfortable. And, I think that Caffe Lena should start listing me as their substitute host.
Here is a scan of the list of performers.

The art work is my doings.
One interesting event of the evening developed when I was warming up for my own set in the backroom. Gail Sparlin was playing her first song (a lovely, quiet piano ballad) and I was warming up my voice when I heard a clickity-click. I looked up and walking away from the now closed door (which has a window in it) is Willie (the sound man/everything else/singer-songwriter). I finished the chorus I was singing and got up, checked the door, and thought, "erm...". The door was locked. I was stuck in the backroom... and I was the host. I started knocking lightly on the glass (I didn't want to disrupt Gail's performance). No one heard it. Gail finished her first song and started her second. I pulled out my cell phone and called Stephanie (who was working the door). Her voice mail picked up. I knocked louder on the door and whispered loudly. No one came. I tried again. Nothing. Then, I saw someone move. Kim looked around and saw my predicament. She tried to open the door from the other side. Nope. Needed the key. She went to look for help for me. Meanwhile, Gail is getting close to finishing her second song and I am laughing at myself as Willie emerges into view. He unlocked the door with just enough time for me to make it to the stage. At which point, I explained to the audience what had happened. Laughter.
I played Passenger and the cover song that I've been excited about. I messed up one line, but I played it well and sung it well otherwise. I'm not going to mention the name of the song. It's that cool. You'll just have to see me at a gig or open mic to hear it.
At one point during the night, I noted how thin the crowd was. It was a slow night, which is good once in a while. Usually, the best performances occur when there are small crowds. Anyway, I told the audience that I felt sorry for the people outside walking by or in their cars or this and that. They were missing such a wonderful atmosphere created by this group of people who were just sharing songs with each other. And it was a wonderful atmosphere: the quiet listening, the introduction of original songs, the silly/heart-felt banter, the seeing of friends that have been away. I think it was a touching moment. Truly though, I feel sorry for people who lead lives that are too busy for the sharing of music. I will never live such a life.
Tomorrow is the Miss Empire Rose scholarship pageant, which is a preliminary pageant for the Miss American system. The winner will have the opportunity to compete in Miss New York state. The winner of which goes on to Miss America. Stephanie won Miss Empire Rose a few years ago and now helps out the executive director of the pageant. This year, Stephanie is Mistress of Ceremonies, which is pretty cool. This year, also, I am the reluctant sound man. I was reminded tonight that I volunteered for the position. I would like to add to the record that I was volunteered for the position. Either way, I started out at rehearsal tonight by fixing the microphone that wouldn't work. I, then, messed around with the levels and reverb and stuff. I think things will work tomorrow, and it will sound okay, but I hardly know what I'm doing. I just packed up a bunch of my own stuff (cables and mics and things) just in case the unfamiliar ones don't do as they are told. Wish me luck.
Last night I attended Lena's. I received an email earlier in the day from a still-sick Kate Blain, who was set to host, asking me or Willie to take over for her (she didn't want to cough a lot into the mic). Thus, I hosted. Which was cool. It was more cool than any previous times, I think, because I knew in advance that I'd be hosting. Most times, I've discovered that I would be hosting about five minutes before I had to start doing so. At any rate, I had a lot fun and I felt comfortable. And, I think that Caffe Lena should start listing me as their substitute host.
Here is a scan of the list of performers.

The art work is my doings.
One interesting event of the evening developed when I was warming up for my own set in the backroom. Gail Sparlin was playing her first song (a lovely, quiet piano ballad) and I was warming up my voice when I heard a clickity-click. I looked up and walking away from the now closed door (which has a window in it) is Willie (the sound man/everything else/singer-songwriter). I finished the chorus I was singing and got up, checked the door, and thought, "erm...". The door was locked. I was stuck in the backroom... and I was the host. I started knocking lightly on the glass (I didn't want to disrupt Gail's performance). No one heard it. Gail finished her first song and started her second. I pulled out my cell phone and called Stephanie (who was working the door). Her voice mail picked up. I knocked louder on the door and whispered loudly. No one came. I tried again. Nothing. Then, I saw someone move. Kim looked around and saw my predicament. She tried to open the door from the other side. Nope. Needed the key. She went to look for help for me. Meanwhile, Gail is getting close to finishing her second song and I am laughing at myself as Willie emerges into view. He unlocked the door with just enough time for me to make it to the stage. At which point, I explained to the audience what had happened. Laughter.
I played Passenger and the cover song that I've been excited about. I messed up one line, but I played it well and sung it well otherwise. I'm not going to mention the name of the song. It's that cool. You'll just have to see me at a gig or open mic to hear it.
At one point during the night, I noted how thin the crowd was. It was a slow night, which is good once in a while. Usually, the best performances occur when there are small crowds. Anyway, I told the audience that I felt sorry for the people outside walking by or in their cars or this and that. They were missing such a wonderful atmosphere created by this group of people who were just sharing songs with each other. And it was a wonderful atmosphere: the quiet listening, the introduction of original songs, the silly/heart-felt banter, the seeing of friends that have been away. I think it was a touching moment. Truly though, I feel sorry for people who lead lives that are too busy for the sharing of music. I will never live such a life.
Tomorrow is the Miss Empire Rose scholarship pageant, which is a preliminary pageant for the Miss American system. The winner will have the opportunity to compete in Miss New York state. The winner of which goes on to Miss America. Stephanie won Miss Empire Rose a few years ago and now helps out the executive director of the pageant. This year, Stephanie is Mistress of Ceremonies, which is pretty cool. This year, also, I am the reluctant sound man. I was reminded tonight that I volunteered for the position. I would like to add to the record that I was volunteered for the position. Either way, I started out at rehearsal tonight by fixing the microphone that wouldn't work. I, then, messed around with the levels and reverb and stuff. I think things will work tomorrow, and it will sound okay, but I hardly know what I'm doing. I just packed up a bunch of my own stuff (cables and mics and things) just in case the unfamiliar ones don't do as they are told. Wish me luck.