Awkward Substitute Host

I filled in as awkward-substitute-host at open mic last night. I had the most fun I have ever had hosting and I had some great feedback from some of the audience members regarding my hosting. The most heart-warming of which came when I asked the audience: "Is everyone having a good time?" and there was a nice round of applause followed by some comments. One comment stood out and it was, "great host."

I took the following video while hosting (I explain why in the video, so I won't explain it again):

During my set, I played Passenger and Walking; Standing Still. I really tried to play dynamically. I think I was successful.

Stephanie took this picture:

I took this one of Maurizio playing Dan's guitar:

And this picture of Maurizio's peach:

And this picture of Stephanie reading about how the gas cap in her new car is supposed to have a little connector line attached to it and the car. It does not:

And here is a scan of the list:

It was a wonderful night at Lena's and I recall making a public service announcement regarding voting for public officials who support the Arts in education. As is often illustrated by any given night at Lena's, many people who work in the education system write music or poetry and/or play an instrument. And it just goes to show how important the Arts are when it comes to education.