Biting Me

I have no idea where more leaves are going to go after they fall from the two trees in my front yard. I just spent a half an hour or so raking and tidying up the lawn with Stephanie. We put the leaves in a pile at the curb (we don't have to put them in bags like I've noticed a lot of other places have you do). The pile is ginormous and there is still about half a tree's worth of leaves in each tree.

I am typing excitedly from laptop because 1) I'm typing on my NEW laptop and 2) I'm hooked up to the webernet here at my desk. In a little bit we are heading to the new Target that opened in our area last week to pick up a wireless router so that I can use the laptop anywhere in my house. I'll be able to blog from bed! Or order CDs from Amazon while I'm on the potty... potty shopping... actually, that kind of grosses me out... I promise not to bring the laptop into the bathroom.

I haven't had a chance to test out the Wi-Fi yet. I have training this week for my new job down in Albany. Maybe after training one day I'll stop off at Starbucks and see what this baby can do.


Thursday night Lena's open mic: I hosted as a Sub for Gary Moon. There were a lot of non-regulars at the caffé and it took them a while to warm up to my dry sense of humor. Still, it was a really good night. I played Passenger and Endless, which Emily Smith sang back up vocals on. My friend Bill attended and took some video of my performance. I may or may not post that on YouTube. We'll see.

At the end of the night, I decided to invite Kyle Miller and Gail Sparlin back up to the stage to do a sing along cover song to close out the night. Kyle chose I Shall Be Released, which was originally written by Bob Dylan and recorded by The Band. And he did a fabulous job on it. I played along with him and Gail played the piano. The crowd sang along and it made for a nice end to the evening.


Since having my wisdom teeth removed, I have been biting the inside of my cheek A LOT. When I eat or chew gum, I get a little piece of cheek. When I'm talking, it happens, and when I'm just sitting there concentrating on not biting my cheek, I bite my cheek. Luckily, I am quite used to the taste of blood in my mouth. Not sure if that is a good thing to be used to or not.