Day 1 (Vacation Diary)
I am sitting in the Albany International Airport wishing I had my guitar. I'm afraid to travel with it, don't want anything to happen to it. Maybe when I get some money I will buy a "travel guitar" for future travels.
There is free wi-fi here. Yay! I hope there is the same at my condo. I'm insanely early for my flight... my dad dropped me off and had an appointment to go to for work, so I couldn't get here any later. No problem. I can type. Click-clickity-click-click-click.
I should be landing around 6pm. It will be dark, but warm! I'll pick up my rental car, get my luggage, and drive to my friend Tif's house. Not sure what our plan is for tonight, but we will definitely be making plans for tomorrow. I think we are gong to hit a park. Maybe Sea World. Maybe Universal Studios. We will need to debate and weigh pros and cons of each park.
Airports are weird. Security is weird. I survived security, but only because I followed directions after making mistakes. Oh, I can wear my ring, but not my belt. Ok.
My t-shirt received a lot of positive feedback from the security team. Some said, "Is it true?" I said, "Sure is!!" and made extra comments if appropriate. One security woman said, "I would have to buy three t-shirts."
Here is a photo of my t-shirt:
There is a group of people sitting next to me at the airport Starbucks and they are talking about work related stuff. I'm going on vacation. I'm on a traveling adventure. I don't want to hear the words "office" or "cases." I wish the group of people would leave.
I look up from my clicking to see people walk by. I wonder if they read my t-shirt. I wonder where they are going. I wonder if they are alone on purpose or would rather have company.
I'm traveling alone. This is not the first time I've traveled alone like this. The last time, I was 18 and I was going to Nebraska. That time, I stayed for two weeks. This time, I'll only be staying for six days.
Here is a rather silly picture I took at work after winning a "prize" for participating during a training:
One of the people that I am sitting next to asked the other people, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is in a pool?" "Bob," I said. Then he said, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is on the floor in front of a door?" "Matt!" I said, "Sorry to interrupt." Then, he said, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is on a grill?" I didn't know the answer... He said, "Frank."
I am going to log off blogger in a sec and play some farmville and get a coffee. Then I'm going to go and sit by the terminal. I think they said it's terminal C3. I'll check before going there. In six hours I'll be in Orlando!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!
There is free wi-fi here. Yay! I hope there is the same at my condo. I'm insanely early for my flight... my dad dropped me off and had an appointment to go to for work, so I couldn't get here any later. No problem. I can type. Click-clickity-click-click-click.
I should be landing around 6pm. It will be dark, but warm! I'll pick up my rental car, get my luggage, and drive to my friend Tif's house. Not sure what our plan is for tonight, but we will definitely be making plans for tomorrow. I think we are gong to hit a park. Maybe Sea World. Maybe Universal Studios. We will need to debate and weigh pros and cons of each park.
Airports are weird. Security is weird. I survived security, but only because I followed directions after making mistakes. Oh, I can wear my ring, but not my belt. Ok.
My t-shirt received a lot of positive feedback from the security team. Some said, "Is it true?" I said, "Sure is!!" and made extra comments if appropriate. One security woman said, "I would have to buy three t-shirts."
Here is a photo of my t-shirt:
There is a group of people sitting next to me at the airport Starbucks and they are talking about work related stuff. I'm going on vacation. I'm on a traveling adventure. I don't want to hear the words "office" or "cases." I wish the group of people would leave.
I look up from my clicking to see people walk by. I wonder if they read my t-shirt. I wonder where they are going. I wonder if they are alone on purpose or would rather have company.
I'm traveling alone. This is not the first time I've traveled alone like this. The last time, I was 18 and I was going to Nebraska. That time, I stayed for two weeks. This time, I'll only be staying for six days.
Here is a rather silly picture I took at work after winning a "prize" for participating during a training:
One of the people that I am sitting next to asked the other people, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is in a pool?" "Bob," I said. Then he said, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is on the floor in front of a door?" "Matt!" I said, "Sorry to interrupt." Then, he said, "What do you call a man with no arms and no legs who is on a grill?" I didn't know the answer... He said, "Frank."
I am going to log off blogger in a sec and play some farmville and get a coffee. Then I'm going to go and sit by the terminal. I think they said it's terminal C3. I'll check before going there. In six hours I'll be in Orlando!! WOOOOOOOO!!!!