
I am broadcasting from the wonderfulness of Uncommon Grounds, Saratoga. Today is the second day of the Hats Off Festival, which is basically bands playing on the streets near Broadway. There are lots of people everywhere and many of them are wearing hats.

I came down here at about three o'clock. I read for a while in the coffee shop because it was air conditioned and it was very hot outside. Around 5ish, I found a shady spot on Broadway (by the Adelphi, Delphi, something Hotel) and busked for about two hours. I packed up collecting a measly 8 or so dollars from my guitar case and walked down Broadway. As I neared Borders (a favorite spot for douchey parents to set up their children with guitars and sheet music and demand that people donate so they can eventually make it big) I saw a young kid (maybe 5 years old), with a mini guitar and a harmonica contraption around his neck. He was awful. His guitar case had like fifty bucks in it... the kids douchey father paced around like a douchebag talking approaching the occasional passerby.

I walked to the other end of Broadway to the Oriental Rug place. My friend Phil Drum was playing a solo gig there. People were milling around as they waited for their table at the nearby restaurant. Phil let me play a few songs during his break.

I watched Phil til about 9pm and then headed back to my car, changed my shirt (because it was very hot out and I was very sweaty), and then returned to Uncommon Grounds.

I didn't stop to listen to any of the bands that were playing. Most of them are... um... not my type of music (the advertisements for most of the bands were: Hits of the 40s! Horn Driven Rock! etc.). Sirsy is here playing at one of the locations. I have seen them quite a lot, however.

It's almost ten and I plan on hitting up the late night social scene. There should be some bands playing at most of the usual places. Hopefully, I'll find something that isn't the usual cover band... I mean, I like Sublime too, but really? Write your own damn songs. Or play something unique. I never hear any cover bands creative enough to play Pete Yorn.