
Showing posts from January, 2011

Is it 2012 yet?

It's almost the end of January (2011) and I am just now getting around to blogging about last year. (See last year's end of year post) . I'm in bed on a cold night. I have the heating pad under my sheets turned up and I'm quite warm. I did some chores before ending up here... there are many more chores to be done, but blogging feels like the right thing to do... or am I just procrastinating? I re-read last year's end of the year post and found it to be rather blase. I was in a blah sort of mood, I guess. In 2009, I didn't accomplish a lot... things ended... life goes on... 2010 was really sort of the same... there wasn't anything super exciting that stands out... except for right at the end when I found out that my baby niece, Liliana was born! 2010 was mostly filled with little moments. The road trip to DC and back was pretty fun. I played a LOT on the streets of Saratoga (and in the cities between here and DC). I made a LOT of new friends. I went out a lot...


One, one, one-one. It's just about 11:11 (PM) on 1/1/11. Which is throwing my tired mind into a complete numerological tail spin... Should I make a wish? Should I send an annoying twitter post about it, so my friends can ridicule me later? Should I just forget about it all together? Last night, of course, was New Year's Eve. And it was a freaking blast. I have to say it was one of the better parties that I've ever attended. A few of us made and brought food (I did this cream cheese and olive roll-thing, which took about an hour to make). Some brought champagne. Everyone was in a pretty super mood. Oh yeah... and we all dressed up -- which was absolutely excellent! It was a great end to 2010, but was not the greatest of great things that occurred at the end of the year. On 12/30/2010, while on lunch break with co-workers, I received the most exciting news ever via text message from my brother, Josh: "Liliana James. 5lbs 5ounces. Born 12/30 1pm." Thus, I became an u...