Pointless Gardens

I have been a lousy blogger. It's been like a month since my last posting. Although, it's my blog... so, technically, I can blog whenever I want and no one can tell me I'm being lousy. So... there.

It's getting late on a Wednesday -- a work night. However, tomorrow is my Friday since I took the real Friday off this week. I'm getting a four-day weekend out of the deal and I'm pretty darn excited about it. I took a mini vacation from work about a month ago, but ever since I've been back, I've been slammed with crisis after crisis. Things have finally begun to normalize and I actually caught up on stuff that I was way behind in. So, I earned a long weekend!

I like taking Fridays off because Thursday is Open Mic Night at Lena's and at the Circus Cafe. Without having to work on Friday, I feel more free to enjoy myself. No restraints on needing to be in bed by a somewhat decent hour. Woo!

Friday, I'm planning on grabbing some camping supplies (a really nice flashlight and some food, I guess). Then, I'm going up to Mason Lake where some friends are camping for the weekend. I have never been, but my friends go every year and they provided some good stories about last year's Fourth of July weekend.

My plan is to go up midday Friday and enjoy the lake during the day. At night, I imagine, will be the drinking and partying and shooting off fireworks. I don't have a tent... not sure what the tenting arrangements will be there... but I can always sleep in my car, so I'm not worried. I haven't been camping in many years... many, many years...

I'm only staying one night at the lake. I have plans to join another Fourth of July party on Saturday with wonderful friend and fellow songwriter Casey Chapman. According to the facebook invite, there will be a fire pit, food, games, instruments, and (yep) camping. Wow. Two camping parties in one weekend! And I don't even own a tent! Luckily, Casey has tenting room for rent (borrow?).

I haven't ironed out plans for Sunday or Monday yet... One day may include busking in Saratoga if the weather is decent. I was also invited to a pool party (and floating beer pong tournament) on Monday. That is a definite possibility.


Flowers. I like them. They are pretty. Some smell nice (although, I have smelled some pretty disgusting flowers in my day...).

For the past six or so years, there has been a lily garden in my backyard. It started by the person living with me at the time planting lily bulbs that she was given as gifts. They apparently multiplied and she added more over a couple of years. Lilies grew each year, and despite my living alone, they continue to grow each year. They are pretty. I like them.

However, they are mostly pointless. In the spring, they begin to sprout (I don't know if this is the technical flower term or not) and for weeks upon weeks, they grow. They get tall and they look pretty much like green stalks. At this point, they are as equally pleasing to look at as my lawn when I do or don't mow it for weeks upon weeks. Then after about six weeks of being boring stalks, you start to notice that they are buds (pods? things?) coming out of the tops... and a couple days later, they start to open up. One or two more days and you have a garden full of pretty lilies that I like!

I come from work that day and I think to myself "What a pretty lily garden. They are so nice to see."

On the following day, I come home from work and I think to myself "What a pretty lily garden. They are so nice to see."

On the third day, I come from work and I notice that the flowers aren't as pretty as they were the day before...

On the fourth day (and the fifth, sixth, and so on) they flowers continue to look less and less pretty until after no more than seven or eight days, they are reduced to shriveled brown carcases.

In other words, for about three hundred and fifty days, you have nothing pleasing to look and then for about six, you have flowers.

I find it pretty pointless to me to have gardens and tend flowers. All of that work (planting, digging, mowing around the garden, pulling weeds) and it's only pretty for four days, tops. This is about the same length of time that flowers last when you get them from a florist and put them in water. Shouldn't things be different? Shouldn't flowers that are still living and attached to their bulbs thrive for longer than dead flowers in water?

Maybe in some sick way my lily garden is a horrid metaphor to the wickedness of life in general. You spend most of your life stuck in the dirt... then you work your way out and grow and grow and grow... but you only reach your true potential for a couple of days...