
I have not been blogging for quite a while. Mostly because my blog has been somewhat broken. Actually, it was my website that was broken and it wasn't posting the blog on the homepage the way it had previously. I attempted a bunch of different "fixes" and eventually decided to use a java script widget as a replacement for the php that had been there. I'm sure little of that makes sense unless you are a computer programmer of some sort.

I'm feeling quite "blahhh" right now. I'm stuck at home being on-call for work and on-call has been rather full-of-calls tonight.

My allergies have been acting up... it's that time of year. I took Benadryl Monday night on top of my normal allergy meds and then felt like a zombie for the past two days.

When you are on extra, zombie-inducing allergy medications, it's hard to focus and write songs. It's even harder to focus and write songs when you are trying really hard but failing at not itching your eyes out because you didn't take extra, zombie-inducing allergy medications.

I'm dying to complete another song. I have been focusing on learning new songs for so long that I've forgotten how to sit down and write. I have lots of ideas and snippets of songs floating around in my head... they just need to organize themselves when I have some time to write them down.

Another thing that has kept me from songwriting is my screen play. I haven't told many people up until recently. I have been working on a screen play for a movie for about three years. I just finished it and had some volunteers read it. I got a couple responses back stating that it's "good." I hope to get some more indepth reviews.

Now that it's finished, I should get back into songwriting for a bit. Yes. That is my goal.