I was driving home from work the other day, listening to 97.7 WEXT, when a break between songs occured. A familiar voice popped up in a brief advertisement for the station. It was a friend's voice. The voice introduced itself and added, "For Local Music All Day, Every Day, Keep it On 97.7 WEXT." The next song then came on.

This type of thing occurs multiple times a day when I'm listening to the radio, and even though I've been listen to WEXT for a few years now, I never cease to smile when I get to hear a friend's voice doing the familiar ad.

Of course, the station plays a song by a local musician every hour and (unless it is one of the local music shows that plays much more than one!). And being that I'm a small part of the Capital District's music community, I know a lot of local musicians. I hear their songs on the station frequently and when you are in the care with me, I will completely cut you off mid-conversation and turn the radio excitedly shouting out, "Alta Mira!" or "Tom McWaters!" or "Mike Grutka!" or "Gary Moon!" or "Victoria Bouffard!" or "Mary Leigh!"

I don't mean to be a name dropper... rather, I'm excited that friends of mine are getting a chance to have themselves heard. I can't get enough of showing off my friend's music and when it happens to be on the radio, it gives them a little extra cred aside from my own pomotion.