
Showing posts from October, 2008

Ice Cream In October

Emack & Bolio’s . It's an ice cream shop and coffee shop rolled into one. And there is a little stage for musical performances. From their website, you can tell that they are a chain of shops. S I M P L E Theory , an acoustic folkafied soul duo, was playing at the Delaware Avenue (Albany) location last night. Stephanie and I attended. It was the first time we had been there and I hadn't known that it existed until this past Thursday at Lena's. Maurizio (of S I M P L E Theory) told us about his gig there. Stephanie loved the place -- she does love ice cream after all -- and she is excited about me playing there some day, which I would like to do. I didn't have any ice cream though. It's freaking October and it was cold last night. I took the laptop with me and I was planning on blogging with their Wi-Fi, but I couldn't for the life of me get this thing to connect to the webernet. Dan, who was there, tried to hook me up too, but to no avail. Here are a couple ...

In Bed

Hello. Just writing to inform you that I am blogging in bed (as I mentioned in the last posting that I would soon be able to do). I am not quite ready to actually go to sleep since it is only 4:18pm. But I wanted to test out the new wireless router and it seems to work just fine. The end.

Biting Me

I have no idea where more leaves are going to go after they fall from the two trees in my front yard. I just spent a half an hour or so raking and tidying up the lawn with Stephanie. We put the leaves in a pile at the curb (we don't have to put them in bags like I've noticed a lot of other places have you do). The pile is ginormous and there is still about half a tree's worth of leaves in each tree. I am typing excitedly from laptop because 1) I'm typing on my NEW laptop and 2) I'm hooked up to the webernet here at my desk. In a little bit we are heading to the new Target that opened in our area last week to pick up a wireless router so that I can use the laptop anywhere in my house. I'll be able to blog from bed! Or order CDs from Amazon while I'm on the potty... potty shopping... actually, that kind of grosses me out... I promise not to bring the laptop into the bathroom. I haven't had a chance to test out the Wi-Fi yet. I have training this week for m...

Ice Cream

Good news. My laptop came early! I have spent a good portion of my weekend preparing my old computer for some file transferring and getting the laptop (you have to name them and I called it Excalibur) ready for the files. The transfers worked smoothly enough. It just took a long time. The new laptop is about 20 times faster in file transferring than the old computer is. I had hoped to be blogging on the new laptop, but I'm not. I haven't hooked it up to the internets yet, because Stephanie and I haven't finished moving her computer files over to my old computer (which she is inheriting). As soon as that is done, I can hook Excalibur up the the internets. Right now, I am eating ice cream and bleeding from two gaping holes that are in the back and top of my mouth where wisdom teeth had been. They had to be removed because I was simply too smart for the rest of the population. Ba-dump-chi . Seriously though, I had to get them removed because they were cutting up the inside of ...


I have been giving more thought to the portable toilet (the picture of which is posted in the entry below this one) up on the scaffolding -- perhaps I have a lot of time on my hands... Anyway, how did they get it up there? And -- more importantly -- how the heck are they going to get it down? It's quite obviously heavier than it was when it went up. Not to mention, it's contents need to be handled with extreme caution -- you certainly don't want to have that spill happen on your watch. Well, Christmas is coming early for me (as is my birthday, which happens to be the same day). I am getting a sweetly souped up laptop. Stephanie is getting it for me and getting some extra help from my dad. I did some searching (to figure out exactly what I wanted) and found that Dell had an extremely sweet discount going on, so I built an XPS laptop with the features I wanted and we ordered it two days ago. It's due to ship in a few weeks. I can't wait to get it -- my current comput...