
Showing posts from December, 2009


I wasn't planning on writing about 2009 until 2010, but I'm awake and I can't sleep. I had a rather trying day at work today and have been feeling quite unfulfilled since then. My hope is that unloading some thoughts into this blog-thing will result in enough easing of my mind in order for me to fall asleep. It has now become a ritual on the blog for me to write about the past year on New Year's day. First, however, I re-read the previous New Year's day post and compare and contrast (apparently) last year's self to this year's self. The 2008 post is found here. The first thing I noticed in re-reading the post is that a lot of positives occurred throughout 2008. There were lights at the end of tunnels and I generally seemed to make steps in good directions. One thing that I didn't post about that day, but was on my mind non-the-less, was my relationship with Stephanie. It was about that time that things started to feel not-right. There were many discussio...

'twas Christmas

Being that I celebrated Christmas/my-birthday with my family on the Saturday six days before actual Christmas/my-birthday, the 25th of December was rather uneventful. There were no candles to blow and no wishes to make. There was no out-of-tune and out-of-sync singing of happy birthday . And there were no spankings and/or a pinch-to-grow-an-inch. Especially, there were no hugs. There was very little socializing (I attempted to go to a gathering at a friend's place, but no one else was gathering and so I left so the boyfriend/ex-boyfriend -- she and he couldn't seem to agree -- could be there without the oddity of my random being-there-ness). Even so, I felt mostly fulfilled, as I had received many merry-and/or-happy-birthdays from friends and family via facebook messages, myspace messages, text messages, and phone calls. I also got to spend my birthday (for the first time in my entire life!) doing just exactly what I wanted to. And for this year, I wanted to play a video game t...


It has been a very buys last two weeks. I haven't had the time to sit, organize my thoughts, and blog. I'm not quite sure where to start. It really has been that busy and my thoughts are a whirlwind. Two Thursdays ago, I attended Open Mic as usual. It was a good night overall, and I feel as though I did a particularly good job on my Christmas song, Frozen . I also played Endless . After playing I received really wonderful compliments from some people in the audience. One was from, Tom (think), who hosts an open mic in Fultonville at a church once a month. He was quite impressed with Frozen , which made me feel very good. I have to say that it may be one of my most well-written songs as far as the whole package is concerned. On Friday and Saturday, I did some Christmas shopping and started making my black santa hat (yes, I bought materials and sewed a santa hat for myself -- I can be quite crafty). I wrapped gifts for my family and put them underneath my tree. The doing of these...

Ho Ho Hosting

Ho Ho Hosting Caffe Lena's open mic!! Lots of christmas songs. It's freezing cold outside but feels warm in the caffe. Friends and songs. It doesn't get any more christmas spirity than this. Love it!! Ho Ho Hosting

Blog You. You Blogging Blogger.

It's not very late on a cold December Sunday. Even so, I am in bed (which is where I spent a good portion of my day) being warm and sleepy. The headache that I have had since this morning is finally subsiding and I feel that I may be able to fall asleep peacefully without being in pain. The comfort of this realization has prompted me to open up blogger and write. You see, it has been a while since I've blogged. Two weeks, as a matter of fact. And I should have a lot to write about. The problem with having a lot to write about is that when you do open blogger a whole bunch of things start to happen: 1) You have no idea where to start 2) You fear that you'll forget to write about something 3) You leave out bits and pieces of things in order to prevent yourself from writing a lot 4) You know it's going to take a while to get it all down, so you give up and leave it as a draft. All such thoughts are going through my head... Still, I haven't blogged in two weeks and I ne...